Coaching with Marta

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Dealing with DOUBT

Have you ever met anyone who is just so talented and amazing, yet they are not doing anything with it? Or are you one of those people? No matter how much they hear  “You are so talented, you should do something with your music” - they always have a reason not to. And to me it’s so sad! Not only the world does not see their gifts, also they don’t get the energy and joy of living out their potential.  

Why is that? Most of the cases there is a judge inside of the talented artist whose main weapon is spreading negative opinions. Here is what he might sound like: This isn’t any good. What’s the point of creating this. Nobody cares. I get no recognition. The other person is more talented. They are more successful, etc. 

Has any of you heard that guy before? I have.  I had so many creative and brilliant ideas that ended up nowhere because I gave in to self doubt. 

Obviously there is an evolutionary reason to having this feature in our system. Our tribal brain used self doubt to protects us from trying new things that might be poisonous or otherwise cause us to be rejected from the tribe. Playing it safe is great for surviving and not so good if you want to thrive. 

Now - there are ways of quieting that judge and re-framing these thoughts. I do it all day long with my clients. Meanwhile today I will give you a shortcut that can have an instant impact on your life, if you only implement it. 

So here is your recipe:

Step 1.

You have an idea to create something.

Step 2.

Inevitably the judge enters in telling you all the reasons why the idea is stupid. 

(right here, point three is where you introduce my fail proof method)

Step 3.

Ignore the doubt. 

Step 4.

Execute the creative idea. 

As you see, you are not fighting anything here. You are not trying to convince the judge that she is wrong. You acknowledge that they are trying to keep you safe in inaction and you carry on with your original idea completely unbothered. What we were never told is that we don’t have to believe in ourselves to be successful.

All we need to do is take action.

Doubt or not.

Judgement or not. 

Don’t let doubt stop you, ignore doubt and carry on.