Map vs. Territory


First:  Imagine the earth, how complex and infinitely intricate it is. Now think about a map of the earth, a very simplified version of the real thing. Obviously a map is a simplification of the territory. We all are aware when looking at the map that it’s a representation of reality, not the reality itself. 

Similarly what our brains perceive as “reality” is only a simplification of it filtered by our limited senses, conditioning, generalizations, specific life experiences, what we believe is possible etc. 

Think of the time that you saw a movie with a friend. Afterwards you discussed it and it turned out for each of you different parts of the movie were important, you each perceived the movie slightly differently.

Now - why is it important to be aware of this?

Because in daily life we often don’t question if we are perceiving something accurately. We think that what we see and in turn think is 100% true. It then influences our emotions, our actions and our outcomes in life. 

We live by maps we created based on our limited perception, all the while thinking we see the whole picture. 

Dealing with infinite amount of information is not practical and this is why we need these maps in order to function yet… we don’t have to let them make us miserable. We can UPDATE our maps.

So let me share a quick tool you can use to reality check your perceptions. I recommend using it anytime we feel miserable or unhappy. 


When you perceive something that makes you unhappy.  Instead of focusing on the way you see it and finding all the reasons why its so terrible (which is what some of us do), think of a different interpretation of the problem. Let your imagination run wild and think of the most outlandish possibilities and see if you can believe some of them at least a little bit. 

When our maps make us unhappy, and we feel stuck in our head, it’s time to update them. There are many ways to update maps and working with a life coach is one of them. If you would like some help updating your maps, schedule a free consultation. 

Marta Czajkowska