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 Supercharge your Climbing!

Revolutionize your mindset around climbing:

  • transform your habitual negative feelings

  • create new thoughts about your climbing

  • rig your own climbing game

  • set up your mind so that you can maximize your time while climbing

  • develop deeper connection to your body

  • find great climbing partners and have most amazing time

  • have more fun and climb harder

  • expand your comfort zone

  • learn to lean into EDGE JOY!

Climbing Coaching details:

  • 8 Zoom 1 ON 1 coaching sessions.

  • Personalized mental game plan.

  • Comprehensive climbing wellbeing plan.

  • Detailed assessment: How do you stand in your own way.

    Never have the same climbing issues again!

    (money back guarantee)


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Crack climbing is blue collar work! I’m a little beaten up after days of splitter cracks, offwidths and chimneys. 🥴Besides all the grunt work, the retreat had a decidedly spiritual component… sound baths, yoga in the desert on a stormy day, clarifying intentions and setting goals. The energy with this crew of lady crushers was pretty magical. I wanted to find more ease in crack climbing, and came back with much more.

I even despise offwidths a little less! Thanks @heidiwirtz and @coachingwithmarta for guiding us on this journey! - EMILY, Portland OR