How to get the best out of anything you are doing

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Think of a time when you got amazing results at something. When you really won at something. How you showed up for it? 

Now think of the time when you really showed up for something, put in all the time and effort. How did you feel about it? 

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Do you notice that when you show up at 100% you also receive at 100%?

When we show up fully, give a project or a relationship time, thought, energy and emotion we get rewarded with fulfillment, deep learning, satisfaction, success and or joy. Because the process took a lot from us, we value it, and the reward feels big. 

The other side of the spectrum is to show up half ass. To dabble, barely scratch the surface. When we participate in this way we often think that whatever we are part of is stupid, a drag, a nuisance. If we think these thoughts and participate in these ways, the results are mediocre, we feel like nothing is changing, or that It wasn’t worth it. 


Now scan your life. Which relationships are you showing up half ass. Where are you lukewarm? Who in your life you resentfully put up with? What things do you get to drag yourself to do? Where are you not committed? You might end up with a list, and this list is worth addressing. It’s a perfect place to see what would be great to eliminate from your life and where it would make sense to show up more powerfully. 

Your enjoyment and fulfillment in life is directly proportional to the amount of effort you put in.

If you find my tips helpful, consider putting them into practice. Insight is important, yet it’s in the experience of life that we can undergo real change. If you would like some help learning how to best show up in your life, consider coaching with me.

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