How to poop in the woods


Let’s face it, everyone poops. And wether you are a city dweller or an adventurous kind, for most people there will come a time in their life to have to… poop in the woods. 

So here are some considerations. Before pooping, make sure that you are educated on the particular etiquette in the area. In many places it is ok to simply dig  a hole while other places you need to pack your poop out by using a special wag bag. Some places such as rock slabs are simply not suitable for digging. There might be environmental reasons - for example the soil might not have enough bacteria to break up human waste. Also in high use areas it is recommended to pack it out. When you travel to such areas make sure to bring a wag bag with you.

If the area does not require that, you can go about your business in an old-fashioned way. 

So here is how you poop in the woods in 7 easy steps.  


step 1. Walk the minimum 300 feet, 100 meters from water source and campsite. Find a private spot. 

step 2. Look for loose dark soil - it’s best for digging and will decompose faster. 

step 3. Dig a hole minimum 6 inches, 15 cm deep.

step 4. Poop into it. 

step 5. pack your toilet paper or wet wipe into a zip lock bag. 

step 6. Cover your hole with soil and pack it in with your feet. 

step 7. Use hand sanitizer for proper hygiene.

Now that you know how to properly poop in the woods nothing can stop you from going into the woods. So go, get out there and most importantly have fun. 

Marta CzajkowskaComment