Risk and evolution
It’s at the edge of our comfort zone where evolution happens. We can let chance create our growth, or we can direct our growth by taking risks. The latter is much more powerful. We have to take a risk in order to evolve.
We each get one life. As a teenager, I was fortunate to awaken to the notion that if I don’t create my own life the way I want it, I will never have it. For as long as we listen to what others have to say about what’s good or bad for us, we are limiting our life to other people’s fears. Too many of us live like this.
Uncertainty and change can’t be avoided. The path of following society’s guidelines and recipes for success might seem relatively risk-free, yet it’s not any less difficult or painful than any other path. Life throws curveballs to everyone. Nobody is life-proof. So living risk risk-averse life only makes as good at living in an environment that’s sheltered. The more we practice a skill, the better we become. Being a proficient risk taker has always been on my top value list.
I believe that taking risks in life is the most powerful way to evolve. In this way of thinking risk-taking becomes a strategy for self-directed growth. Makes us resilient, flexible and good at problem-solving. The bigger the risk I take, the more I’ll grow in an attempt to achieve my goals, and even if I don’t quite make it, I have won, because I’ve grown.
Risks are scary. Our brain does not want to do anything that doesn't have a calculated return. We tend to avoid it like our life depends on it. Today I invite you to wake up. Do the uncertain thing, do the thing that you are trying so much to avoid. Notice what happens with your energy flow.
Whenever I face something that really scares me, I deploy my mantra: This is me at my edge. This is what ME at MY edge feels like. Nothing else.
Helping people with this is what I'm good at. If you feel like this story is you, consider taking the risk.
With so much love,